Carlota de Limon

This recipe can be found at El Restaurante

Makes 4 servings

Recipe by Chef Manny Barella, Bellota, Denver; photo courtesy of California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB)

18 oz. Real California sweetened condensed milk

Zest of 3 limes, plus ⅔ c. fresh lime juice, plus more zest for topping

3 T. espresso

½ c. Real California heavy cream

6 T. Real California Requeson cheese

3½  T. Real California cream cheese

1 t. vanilla paste

20 Maria cookies, plus 4 crumbled for topping

Combine condensed milk, lime juice and zest, and espresso. Refrigerate overnight, then transfer to a piping bag. In a blender, combine cream, cheeses, and vanilla. Chill in a metal bowl, then transfer to a piping bag.

For each serving, pipe condensed milk mixture into a container. Top with cookie, piped cheese mixture, and another cookie. Repeat process to depth of container. Garnish with additional lime zest and crumbled cookies.

Per order/serving size: ⅓ cup condensed milk mixture, 3½  tablespoons cheese mixture, 5 cookies, ¼ crumbled cookies